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CIG Half Face Respirator

Update Terakhir
24 / 05 / 2023
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Rp. 123
PT. Daya Teknik Meterindo
Harco Glodok Lantai 5 Blok F7
Office: Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 2-5 Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta, 11180
Phone: (021) 2268-7062
HP: 0813-1516-6062; 0812-8222-5340; 0821-2214-8707
Email: [email protected]
Up. Irwan Pangaribuan

Detail CIG Half Face Respirator

CIG Half Face Respirator Specifications Product Code Description 15 CIG B1 SKG : Half Mask Respirator 15 CIG B1 SKG20S : Cartridge Organic Vapours

Spesifikasi :
1. Particulate toxic dist, mist and fume
2. Soft lightweight face piece
3. Easy cleaning and low maintenance
4. Offer lightweight and easy breathing protection
5. Easily adjusted head straps and low profile design
masker safety
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