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  • Comparator 705

Comparator 705

Update Terakhir
20 / 11 / 2023
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


PT. Daya Teknik Meterindo
Harco Glodok Lantai 5 Blok F7
Office: Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 2-5 Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta, 11180
Phone: (021) 2268-7062
HP: 0813-1516-6062; 0812-8222-5340; 0821-2214-8707
Email: [email protected]
Up. Irwan Pangaribuan

Detail Comparator 705

Comparator 705 Specifications The Comparator 705 from Orbeco-Hellige is a precise, visual instrument for rapid and accurate testing. Hand-held and completely portable, the Comparator 705 can be used for testing water, wastewater, boiler and cooling water, process fluids, swimming pools, spas and more. It is ideal for the lab, plant, field or classroom. Users will find this system extremely easy to use, and to be uncompromising in terms of precision and reproducibility of results. The Comparator 705 incorporates a magnifying prism which brings the colors of the standards and test sample side-by-side and into one image, helping the user to make an exact color match. Description Includes Part Number Comparator 705 : 1 Comparator 705 Housing 705-H Comparator 705 with sample cells : 1 x Comparator 705 Housing 705-AHT 2 x 13 mm Sample Cells
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